Sunday, April 13, 2014

Getting Started with Pinterest

Once you've created your Facebook account from the previous tutorial, you can easily create a Pinterest account.  If you do not want to use your Facebook account, you can use your email account like we did with Facebook.  It is recommended that you use different passwords for each account.

If you choose the "Sign up by email" box you will see the screen below.  If you wish to create a business page for Flowers by Mary Lou, you can select that you would like to use the site as a business. 

After you've created your personal account, you can take a guided tour of the site.  It is recommended you do so in order to have a better understanding of what it is about and how to use the site.  You will finish the tour by searching for something that interests you, such as flowers.  When you type flowers into the search box, you will be greeted by several categories of flowers.  Select the one that is most appropriate.  For this, I will select "flowers wedding."

As soon as you hit enter, you will see a page filled with all the other "pins" people have created that are tagged as "flowers wedding."  Some may be appropriate and some may be mislabeled.  Just keep scrolling down until you find one that interests you.  As the instruction in the picture below suggests, just click on the pin to learn more!


As you click on the picture, it will enlarge on your screen so you can get a better view.  If you don't like it, you can click on the X in the upper right to dismiss it and go back to your search results.  If you do like it, you can "pin it" using the red button in the upper left.  The site will guide you through this process as well. 

In the image below, I have clicked on "Pin It" and it is asking me to create a board.  You can think of these as bulletin boards or files of related pictures.  You can be as specific as you like (Spring Wedding Flowers, Winter Wedding Flowers) or as general as you like (Wedding Flowers).  You can always rearrange things later and move pins from one board to another, or copy them to multiple boards.  Whatever suits your needs.

Once you have decided which board to place the pin, you can edit the description or leave what is there.

Since the person that typed this in misspelled "lavender," I'm going to rename this pin with the correct spelling.  After you have typed in the description you want (and remember - everyone will be able to see what you type), click on the red PIN IT button in the lower right.  Congratulations, you've created your first pin!

You will then see a pop up that shows you other boards that the pin has been pinned to.  You can dismiss this and go back to your searching.  Continue to repeat with as many things as you're interested in.  The beauty of this is that there are no limits to what you can pin!

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